Episode 8: Law Hour with Daniel Kutcher

This is the last episode of the season for Welcome to the Food Court. It was a fun and productive first season: we won Best New Blog at the 2015 Canadian Law Blog Awards, were cited in the Globe and Mail, found many new listeners and watched some other law firms start podcasts, which is really exciting. We'll be back in the fall for season two and we're organizing our content for that now.

On this episode of the podcast, you'll hear me speak alongside food lawyer Dan Kutcher of Cox & Palmer's Summerside, PEI, office at Law Hour, a one-hour lecture each geared at engaging students with presentations by guest speakers about current legal issues, at Schulich School of Law at Dalhousie University. Because Dan's practice is in PEI, his is distinctly focused on export markets and international standards for seafood. Dan has worked with Michigan State's Institute for Food Laws and Regulations and has developed an interest in food law at a personal level. We talk about the development of our expertise in food law as being a way to make a better, more useful lawyer for clients.

Episode 8 - Dalhousie Law Hour with Dan Kutcher
Glenford Jameson